Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof

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Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof Landauer Untertal, Tälerstraße 2
Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof
Quality and freshness - our unique recipe for pleasure

The restaurant has a cozy dining room and conservatory radiates a warm and bright atmosphere that is unparalleled.

Here you feel not only comfortable holiday, but is also the perfect setting for parties or seminars. Our friendly team strives daily to your health!

Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof Schladming
The Natural Kitchen

With great commitment, idealism and creative ideas, we are preparing to own seasonal combinations of fresh herbs for years. On quality, we attach particular importance and so it is not surprising that the herbs used are from our own garden.

The Natural Kitchen brand of Styria vitalis guarantees excellent recipes from the organic farm land. Sensual delights at the highest level in harmony with nature.

Hotel Vitaler Landauerhof
Landauer Untertal, Tälerstraße 2
8971 Schladming 
Liezen - Steiermark
Tel.: +43 3687 61166
Fax: +43 3687 61166-6
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